Friday, May 1, 2015

Champions Build Balloon Lego Cars!

Today students made a lightweight hybrid Lego/ cardboard cars (using Lego Wheels) propelled by the release of air from a balloon that was attached to their "car".

First we did a V.T.S. activity studying the pictures below:

Next, we got our materials and began building. Many students needed to modify their cars to make sure the balloon was able to release the air and push the car without assistance.

The first challenge was for it to go across the students desk at least three feet. Once they were able to do that, they were invited to move on to the class "Race Track".  If they were able to get their car across the five foot track with balloon power, they were then invited to test outside on the "Champions Raceway". We had so much fun!


 Testing and modifying....

and some bloopers...(this really was a fun day!)...

Our last step was reflect on what we did and what we learned today. Well done Champions!

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