Thursday, January 22, 2015

Champions Build Pencil Towers!

Students were given the challenge of seeing how high they could build a pencil tower using twelve pencils, one foot of tape, one piece of construction paper and a pair of scissors. First, we read about basic building structures and studied an image of the worlds tallest building.

Next, students were given their materials and 20 minutes to build and modify.

After the 20 minutes was up, we measured each teams structure.
Our last step was writing a reflection summary of what we built and learned today.
Well done Champions!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Champions Build Contraptions!

Today students were given the challenge to engineer a contraption that could guide a marble three feet and land in a small cup with a given set of materials. Students were given three large sheets of construction paper, a small cup, a meter of tape, scissors, a marble and a ruler. After looking at various images of contraptions, students began building theirs with a partner. In twenty minutes students were able to build, test, modify and test again.

After building, students reflected on what they constructed and what they learned from this activity. Students were encouraged to take their contraptions home and share them with their families.
Well done Champions!
(pictures and video will be posted in 24 hours)

Friday, January 9, 2015

Champions Engineer Lego Figure Water Walking Shoes!

Today students engineered "water walking shoes" for a Lego figure. First students read about college students who had a challenge to "walk on water" found at:

Next, students were given a Lego figure, a straw, one coffee stirring stick, small piece of tape, 3 inches of string and a pair of scissors. They were then given 15 minutes to construct the water shoes.

Students who were able to have their Lego figure stand (on water without tipping over) for more than 30 seconds reached SUCCESS!

Our final step was writing a reflective summary of what we learned in their Unit PowerPoint about engineering from today's activity. Students also took a picture of their creation and screen clipped it into their summary essay using their netbook to show their parents. Champion students did a wonderful job today!