Champion students participated in a PBL focused on the benefits of renewable energy. The Ancient Egyptians were the first to harness wind energy to their advantage in trade with their neighbors along the Nile river. After reading, annotating, and writing about the history of sail energy in Ancient Egypt, students constructed their own sail boats using the following set of materials:
one foot of tape, seven straws, and one large note card
From those materials students created, tested, modified, and raced their boats along our "Nile River".
Many students were successful in sailing 'The Nile" quickly.
Our next step was to write a post card to the Mayor and City Council of Ventura persuading them to invest more in renewable energy for the benefit of future Venturans in years to come.
Our last step was writing a reflection of what they learned during the PBL in their on-line electronic portfolio. The reflection included screen clipping pictures of their sail boat and post card.
Awesome Job Future Champion World Leaders!
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