Poems for Tuesday
Dr. Lynch-ThorpePage: Q 3 work
check these out:0
http://www.poetry4kids.com/poem-330.html br />
http://www.poetry4kids.com/poem-349.html br />
After reading these silly and funny poems, try to write your own!
http://www.poetry4kids.com/poem-330.html br />
http://www.poetry4kids.com/poem-349.html br />
After reading these silly and funny poems, try to write your own!
Philip R
There once was a kid from New York,
When he will get older, he will be from Old York,
And when he is middle aged, he will live in York.
Just York.
When he wants to go to Phillie,
And he is also feeling silly,
He ends up going to Willie, Nillie, Silly, Phillie.
It must be awkward when he wants to order a Willie, Nillie, Silly, Philly Cheesesteak.
My choir met up today
And voted me the soloist.
I said “If your make me sing,
I’m going to hit you with my fist.”
But, or course, my teacher had to make it worse.
She said, “But Chloe, you can hold the best note!”
Some girls (who thought they were great) started crying,
Because that comment, hurt as if they got hit with a boat.
When I usually get on stage, alone,
I freeze, right on the spot,
Then when I open my mouth
My mouth gets dry and my forehead gets hot.
Then, as if things could get worse,
My legs give out, and I fall to the floor.
As I’m lying there, embarrassed as can be,
Someone shouts “I want more!”
Apparently my stage fright is funny,
But really it’s not.
People howl, kids shout with laughter,
And all I want to do is get out of this lot.
But that is was normally happens,
And my teacher only tells me,
“That it will be different this time.”
But, I know, I’m going to break my knee.
When the big night comes,
I am as nervous as can be!
My bright red dress,
Is not helping me!
When I walk on stage,
I feel okay; maybe the fright is in my head.
When the music starts
I, surprisingly, don’t get red.
I open my mouth,
And begin to sing; “Can You See Me”.
My fright is gone.
And I am as happy as can be!
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