Students did an exceptional job reading to the little ones.
Thanks so much to everyone who helped to make this happen:)
walking there
Reading to the Kinders
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Page: Quarter Two work
Again, thanks so much for letting us share:)
EP Foster Book Share
Dr. Lynch-ThorpePage: Quarter Two work
Did you enjoy going to EP Foster and reading to the Kinders? What did you enjoy about it? Did you learn something new? Would you want to go again? Finish your post wtih.. One thing I think you should know is"
Lizzy U
I loved going to E P foster and reading my story to kindergarteners. I loved reading my story and taking to the younger kids. I also learned that E P Foster is way bigger than it looks like. I would defiantly do this again. One thing I think you should know is that I had one boy who wouldn’t tell me his name and then 2 girls named Stacy and Lesley.
Kathryn B
I thought it was fun reading to them! I enjoyed talking to them! I learned that kindergarteners love it when you make voices when you talk. I would love to do it again! It was fun! One thing I think you should know is that I had so much fun! The kids were so cute! I would love to do this again! Thank you Mrs. Lynch!
Joshua H
I did very much enjoy sharing my story. What I enjoy was walking there and reading my story. I would want to go again if they understood what I was reading. One thing I think you should know is that I really enjoyed the field trip.
Alejandro L
Yes, I enjoyed going to E.P. Foster and reading to Kindergardeners. I enjoyed reading to Kindergardeners and I learned it is fun to read to someone else. I do want to go again. One thing you should know is I had fun.
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