Sunday, October 23, 2011

Guess What..

Guess what we are going to be learning about starting Oct. 31?
Here are two clues:

Have a great Fall break:)
Ms. Lynch

Friday, October 21, 2011

End Of Quarter One (already!?)

Today was the last day of Quarter One. It was a day to share and reflect. First students shared their Mesopotamian PowerPoint with a partner and wrote down feedback. Then students posted a message on my thinkquest page on how the first quarter went. They included the grade they think they have earned in the class and why as well as what grade they think I have earned as their teacher and why.
Hope everyone has a nice and safe October break. There is no official homework, but wouldn't it be super if you read a book?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Making A Mesopotamian Mini Book

We are concluding the study of Mesopotamia. Today students reviewed their notes and came up with what they thought were the top six most interesting and important facts. Then they turned the facts into a "Mesopotamia Mini Book" with visual representation to go with each fact. Finally students took pictures of their book and uploaded the photos into a slide in their Ancient Civilizations PowerPoint titled, "My Mini Book".

Gathering facts and notes (book and internet)
 Putting it all together
 Getting the Photos ready (using cameraoid)

Well done students!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cuneiform (fun)

Today students watched a short video on the Mesopotamians Cuneiform Invention (each about three minutes in length)
Then we read about it in their text book. Next we took notes on Cuneiform (who, what, where, when and how) in our PowerPoint on Ancient Civilizations. Then it was time for the students to make their own using Play dough. After the students created their own Cuneiform, they took a picture of it and uploaded the picture onto their summary slide.
Good times!

A student making her Cuneiform
The class fully engaged
Nice technique
Almost done
Took a picture then uploaded it on their netbook.....

Monday, October 17, 2011

End Of Quarter One Benchmarks

We will be benchmark testing the next two days (Tuesday and Wednesday). These tests are created by the District and given to all students in V.U.S.D. There are two test. The first one is a writing test (Fictional Narrative). Students have two periods to write it. Its scored on a 4 point rubric. Scores will be in Zangle by Wednesday (out of 40 points). The second Benchmark is a multiple choice test with 30 questions on the quarter one standards we have been focusing on for the past two months

If you are a parent and want to see scores, please log into Parent Connect. If you do not have an account, please get a form from the office.

Students, remember the test taking strategies we have been focusing on and you are very smart (so show what you know:)

On Thursday students will review their results and we will go over concepts that need reviewing. Thank you.

Windows Live Movie Maker!

        Today we learned about the various classes of people from Mesopotamia. On our notes we created a Circle of Viewpoints quote to go with the information. Then we found a picture off the web to visually represent each class of people. Next we opened Windows Live Movie Maker and made a slide show of the classes of people with their circle of viewpoints, (then added music and special effects). This was uploaded into their Ancient Civilizations PowerPoint as well. Students did an amazing job!

Learning and having fun!

Friday, October 14, 2011

All Things Ziggurats

        Students watched a short video on the history of them, then looked at some models of Ziggurats on the Internet. Then we took notes and uploaded our notes into our Powerpoint. Next students created their own model of a Ziggurat using construction paper. Finally students took a picture of their Ziggurat and uploaded the picture into their Powerpoint with a brief description of what they made and why.

To learn more about Ziggurats

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Making Music

Today students wrote an acrostic poem about Mesopotamians. Then they went to and turned their poem into an original song. I then showed them how to record their song and upload it into a slide about Mesopotamians in the Ancient Civilizations Powerpoint.
This was a very fun and engaging lesson blenging art, music and writing. If you are a parent of one of these amazing students, please ask them to open up their Ancient Civ. Powerpoint (last slide) to show you their song! You could even make a song together:)

First Person Narrative

Students wrote as a young Mesopotamian and described what life was like 4,000 years ago. We watched a short video, brainstormed, wrote a rough draft (including sensory details and figurative language), then typed it up. Finally students recorded themselves reading their essay into the ecamera, uploading the video into their Ancient Civilizations Powerpoint. Great job students.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hammurabi's Code

       Today was all about Hammurabi. First we watched a short video on all things "Hammi", then we read in the text book about this past King. Next we debated about Hammurabis Code (fair/ unfair) using the debate feature in Thinkquest. Then students created their own Codes and wrote them up on a tablet. Students then took a picture of their Codes using their ECam, and uploaded the photo into their summary of Ancient Civilizations PowerPoint.
Well done kids!

Whant to learn more? Here is an extention link:

Monday, October 10, 2011

The People of Mesopotamia!

We read and researched about the groups of people that lived in Mesopotamia so long ago. Then each student created a puzzle with the name of the group and a fact about that group on the back. Next students quizzed each other with their facts on the people of Mesopotamia.
 Putting it together

 Quizzing each other

After quizzing each other students took a picture of their puzzle using their netbooks, then uploaded the picture into the Ancient Civilizations Summary Power Point.                                                              
Extensions.... click here to learn more about the people of Mesopotamia

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Figurative Language Lesson

Figurative Language is an important concept for 6th grade.
Today we introduced the main types of figurative language including notes, a short video introduction, making a flip chart, then creating a power point with the words, definitions, original example and a symbol. Students will review the power points and flip chart for their test tomorrow. Enrichment activities are found on my Thinkquest page as well as the bottom of this post.
Great Job Kids!

Visual representation of the concept
 Students creating the flip chart
 How we take notes to create the flip chart (visualizer)
 Putting it all together in a powerpoint
Enrichment links:
and my Thinkqeust site.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Foundation Crops (guest teacher Mrs. Harris)

We had a very hands on lesson on Foundation crops: the Origin of Agriculture presented by the fabulous Mrs. Harris.
Students held, smelled (and some tasted) seeds then drew and labeled them. Next they found out what the exact seed were.
Students predicting using VTS strategies
 Student Work
 Our foundation seeds
 Putting it all together
Thanks again Mrs. Harris!
Enrichment Activities:

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Welcome to the study of Mesopotamia. In the next three weeks we will be learning some very exciting things about this amazing ancient civilization. We have planned some fun activities to go with our learning, so make sure to try your best students. If you want a head start on the study of Meso, check out the following links:
If you find an interesting fact you want to share, please send me a message in and I will post it for you.